Emergency Voluntary Sector Assembly - Voluntary Sector Cuts

Mechanics Institute103 Princess St, Manchester M1 6DD

Manchester City Council is proposing cuts totalling £59 million in 2015/16 and £31 million in 2016/17, including cuts in equality, drug services, youth and play, advice, home care, supported housing, infrastructure and many other areas.

The impact on voluntary and community sector organisations and the people who use their services is severe. There is likely to be several hundred job losses, the loss of vital services and the real possibility of the end to some long-standing and highly respected organisations. The impact is amplified by the reduction in the ability of our organisations to bring more funding into the city.

Keep up to date with the latest Voluntary Sector Cuts news
Visit the Voluntary Sector Cuts page on our website for the latest news, briefings, campaigns and scrutiny meeting information.

The purpose of the assembly is to:
• Discuss the impact of the proposed cuts on our organisations and on the people who use our services
• Construct a collective response to the cuts proposals
• Share lobbying strategies and approaches
• Debate the long-term future of the sector

Mike Wild Chief Exec of Macc says:
“We have an opportunity to look at the impact the Council’s budget proposals will have on the sector and the communities we work with. It’s also time to start confronting some difficult choices about the long term future of the voluntary sector in Manchester.”

Click here to register

Read Mike Wild’s Blog here

Watch a news item on BBC North West Tonight from 12 November starring Bernie Wood from Talbot House and Mike Wild from Macc

Read Voluntary Sector Cuts in Manchester Briefing 1 by Nigel Rose, Strategic Lead Worker (Commissioning)

View Manchester City Council’s cuts proposals here: www.manchester.gov.uk/news/article/7027/councils_2015-17_budget_options_published